
I’m Jess, nice to meet you! I am a believer, wife, mom & gatherER. Welcome to Gathered Co! This season of my life I have nailed down three things, well, four if you count coffee, that greatly impact my day & our home: have I met with God, have I broken a sweat & have I talked face-to-face with adults…can I get an AMEN?

My hope is that Gathered Co will equip you to gather God’s word in your heart, move your body more & gather your friends, neighbors & sisters more consistently to memorize verses & sweat it out together.

Here you will find ways to ways to join our Gathered MOVE community for quick & effective workouts to be done in your home with minimal equipment, to subscribe monthly to the Gathered MEMORIZE verse & affirmation cards, or to become a member of both MOVE & MEMORIZE to get your workouts delivered to your Instagram account & God’s word on beautiful cards, delivered to your door monthly, as well as make payments to my in-home studio classes in Otsego, MN.